About Us


At the start of Lockdown *1 I found myself out of work and very bored. I’d been making arrows for years so off to the work shop I went. A lovely set of arrows were born a few days later. Fortunately for me I didn’t need them as I had too many already. I popped them on eBay and they sold in hours. I tried again and the same thing happened. A little arrow making business was developing nicely.

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After lockdown I had a choice. Did I return to being in the home improvement industry or concentrate on my wee business (plus a part time job at Morrison’s) I sucked it up, took the reduction in wages and now lead a poorer, but far more contented life.

I concentrate on Traditional and Barebow as that’s where my passions lie.

I’ve had many bows, but at present I’m shooting an English Longbow at 42#, a Ghost Action Flatbow at 46# and when I want to get fancy my Smartriser BB with Uukah limbs. I’ve got lots of arrows :-)

My website’s not slick and fancy, but rest assured the products are. I will not sell a bow, arrow or any other product unless it’s top quality and tested by myself. ‘If it ain’t good I wont sell it’. Sometimes cheap and cheerful is fine, as long as you know that’s what your buying. If that’s what the product is I will tell you so. Saying that, I’d personally rather have a cheap bow than cheap arrows. You can have the best bow going, but if you’re arrows are nasty, it might as well be a broomstick.

Any questions always feel free to contact me at tandbarchery@gmail.com

Stay Healthy and Happy
